Tuesday 20 May 2014

What are healthy Eating Tips for Teen Athletes?

Teen athletes have a lot on their shoulders and sometimes it can be a bit stressful.  Sometimes they have the weight of the fact that they’re going to be in NCAA after they finish high school and go to college, while some might even get so good that they’re going to be going to even bigger tournaments and races and sometimes they don’t realize that their health ca actually be a big factor in all of this.  A teen athlete’s health is key to the actual benefit of this, and you can start to really help out the teen athlete and help him get even better just by starting to put in what are healthy eating tips for teen athletes.  There are some good things that can come out of this and in this article you will find out what are healthy eating tips for teen athletes so they can get even better.

The first thing is to ensure they get a lot of protein and complex carbs.  Complex carbs will allow them to have energy for longer and they will ensure that the teen athlete can run and get the times that they want.  However, there is another thing with that and that’s helping to rebuild the body after a race.  After an athlete performs whether on the court or in a race, their body needs to be repaired and that’s where the protein comes in.  Protein is key to ensuring that they’re able to function well and are able to repair the body so that they don’t’ have injuries.  Tit can also help to build up the muscles so that the teen athlete is stronger and feels better.  There are a lot of things a teen can do, but a lot of protein after and complex carbs before will ensure they have energy and can repair the body so that it doesn’t get sore from lactic acid fermentation and DOMs.

The second thing is nutrients.  Making sure that an athlete has a good diet of fruits and veges along with protein and carbs is key to ensuring that a teen athlete can get the job that they want done.  A teen athlete can work really hard and a teen athlete may lose all of the nutrients that they have kept up.  This can lead to the body breaking down and it can also lead to the body unable to oxidize the nutrients, causing lactic acid fermentation.  This isn’t fun to have either during the event or after, but you can help prevent it by ensuring that a proper diet is kept in and that the child has the vitamins that they need.  Their health does depend on it to a degree.

Now that you know the healthy eating tips for teen athletes you can c start to really help out your body by getting rid of the bad and putting the good in.  You can learn more about it by going to Encompass Nutrients for more information.  

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